Address: 62 W. Colonial Dr. Orlando 32801
Year Built: 1923
Number of Floors: 3
Number of Units: 20
Availability: Below are current sales listings at The Vue Condominium. See photos, prices, amenities, HOA info, school zoning and more.
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It is one of the few early 20th century warehouses remaining in the entire Orlando area.
Built in 1923, it is said that the building was originally used as an auto dealership and then later as a china glass storage and distribution center—thus its modern day name.
The China Glass Warehouse remained vacant for some years and was apparently close to being demolished until it was purchased in 1998. The warehouse was divided into 20 loft condo units and sold as raw loft space. Today, the building stands as a reminder of downtown Orlando's history of commerce and early architecture.
The China Glass Warehouse claims to be the only true lofts in Orlando. Each loft is different and reflects its own personality and character. The other thing that makes this particular development interesting and unique, is that this building is zoned for both commercial and residential and lofts are live/work spaces aimed at Orlando professionals.
With only a small number of units available, if there is often nothing available for sale. Please contact us to be placed on an alert list for the China Glass Warehouse - or you can sign up and input your alert preferences.
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