• This turned out to be the most "interesting" auction to date in Orlando. A complete contrast from downtown Solaire last month, and nothing like the Lake Mary auction of last year, the Tradewinds auction in MetroWest finally solidified the notion that right now, your average home buyer is both terrified - and somewhat clueless. A pre-auction show of hands revealed that most attendees had never attended a real estate auction before; most clearly came without a Realtor and few had done their [...]

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    Tradewinds Condo Auction 100 Will Sell Absolute!   No Minimums! No Reserves! Saturday, March 29 2008 at 11:00AM The owners of Tradewinds condos in MetroWest Orlando, have decided to take their chances at auction, after a series of no-go, low-ball offers from investors, There are still over 200 condos at Tradewinds, and the first 100 will be sold "absolute" (regardless of price). The remainder may be added depending on the outcome of the first 100. There are 1 & 2 bedrooms available with [...]

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    SOLAIRE Auction Update: Auction for the Solaire condos at the Plaza will be held on Saturday March 1st 2008 in Orlando. 42 Luxury condos will be auctioned: 1 bedrooms will start at $170k; 2 bedrooms at $250k. We will be registering potential Solaire buyers starting on Saturday at 11am - 5pm. Pre-qualification through a preferred lender will be required. Contact us for more details and to register - all buyers must register prior to the auction which will take place downtown Orlando. [...]

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    Downtown Orlando's Solaire at the Plaza is great condominium.But like most downtown condos, it's had its fair share of problems. Now, after a number of sales and marketing companies have come and gone, each turning down offers from both individuals and bulk investors, several reliable sources suggest that the developers (Wood Partners) have decided to take their chances at auction - and Condo Metropolis has heard that a press release is expected on Friday 8th February, 2008. The Orlando [...]

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