• Orlando Real Estate Auctions Here To Stay

    Like them or not, Real Estate Auctions will be around for sometime.  According to the National Association of Realtors, one out of three real estate sales will be marketed through Auction in 2010.  Whether you are a buyer, seller or broker knowing the auction process and benefits will be crucial to you over the next several years. This is a brief overview of auctions. I will get into the nitty gritty of auction types and the feedback and success we have seen with them in another blog. [...]

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    Hot on the heals of the last Orlando home auction comes the latest in a series of opportunities to acquire Orlando property on the cheap - and not just condos. Set your alarm clock early on Saturday December 6th 2008 because check-in at the Marriott starts promptly at 8:00am - and the hammer starts hammering at 9:30am. Open house dates are 11:00am to 4:00pm on 11/22/08, 11/23/08 and 11/29/08. And you'll need all three dates if you want to check out all 250 homes! Auction reminder: $5k [...]

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    The Auction we hosted last Saturday, though a rude awakening for Banks, Builders and Sellers, proved to be a tremendous purchasing opportunity.  With luxurious properties and prime lots selling for 25-50 “cents on the dollar”, well below replacement costs, the lucky bidders just couldn’t go wrong.   Several of the high bids did not meet the reserve amounts set by the seller, so it will not be clear for a few days how many properties will actually sell for the high [...]

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    The next Orlando home auction on Saturday Nov 8th 2008 will be decidedly more upscale than the last auction. More than 20  selected homes from the renowned Ginn resorts in the heart of Central Florida will be up for grabs with prior values from the 300’s to $4 million. The resorts include Reunion, Bella Collina and Hammock Beach. If you're a golf nut looking for a great deal, this could be it. For more info and to register call us on: 407-290-3408 or email You can read more [...]

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    With two out-of-state visitors wanting to bid by phone and internet on these beautiful condo hotel suites near Disney World, we attended the World Quest auction on their behalf this weekend. We were not expecting a good turnout based on pre-registration numbers but equally, we weren't expecting to be told as we approached the marquee that the auction had been "postponed" due to lack of sufficient participation! I counted less than 30 people scattered around the vicinity and assumed they were [...]

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    Absolute Auction 15 Sell Regardless of Price! No Minimums • No Reserves World Quest Resort Orlando will auction 15 luxury condos “absolute” on Saturday, September 6, 2008. The condos are said to be guaranteed to sell regardless of bid price - no minimums, no reserves. Both 2 and 3-bedrooms will be available. All have upscale kitchens and private balconies. It’s a fantastic neighborhood, quiet and secluded - yet just one mile from Disney. You may opt in or out of [...]

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