• Question: We have a president who solicits co-owner involvement when the board is discussing business at a board meeting. Should co-owners be allowed to participate in board discussion as if they were a board member? Should a board meeting be conducted like a town hall meeting where everyone can speak? It is my contention that a board meeting is for the board to conduct its business without co-owner input.

    Answer: Your interpretation is correct. Board meetings are designed for the directors to discuss and make decisions about HOA business. There are occasions when co-owner input is appropriate but not as a general rule. A member forum should be held prior to the start of the board meeting to allow input and questions. But once the board meeting is called to order, guests are there to listen, not participate. There are a number articles about meetings and how to run them that can be found at www.Regenesis.net in the Article Archive>Meetings section.

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