• The battle over No View at The Vue condos (downtown Orlando) continues this week as expected. Highwood wants to build a mixed use condo tower between Lake Eola and the Vue condominium, which, if they have their way, would be tall enough to prevent even top floor residents at The Vue from seeing the lake.

    Just a few months after the Vue’s grand opening Orlando City Council approved the new building in September provided it would not exceed 20-25 stories (thereby only upsetting those owners with cheaper condos on the lower floors who are less likely to sue.)

    Vue condos OrlandoNow, The Vue-Orlando LLC has filed a lawsuit against the would-be view blocker Highwoods Properties based in North Carolina, alleging that the proposed building (Residence of Lake Eola) would have a negative impact on both the lake and local traffic patterns.

    Next Chapter: The Gloves Come Off. Look out for the next exciting installment of “What? No View at the Vue?”

    Prediction: Certain lake-facing residents are going to wish they hadn’t paid a premium for that Vue.

    For more info on The Vue Orlando, visit our Vue condo page.