• Lake Eola, OrlandoYou probably know this already, but you can pay a decent premium when buying downtown if you want a view of Lake Eola – rather than the I4 freeway.

    But standing between the 35-story Vue condo tower and its views of the lake and park could be a 42-story tower that will leave residents of the Vue looking at a wall of concrete.


    According to folk in the know at the Sentinel, that scenario is behind a brewing development war that could go down among the city’s most bitter.

    Highwoods Properties, one of the city’s biggest landlords, plans to redevelop Eola Centre Park at the corner of Robinson Street and Rosalind Avenue. And while their application to build has been denied (after counsel for the Vue intervened), it seems likely that they will prevail in the long run. The matter has already been appealed and you can bet that buyers of The Vue had a clause in their contracts explaining that their view could be blocked by other buildings.

    Methinks this one’s going to turn nasty. Very nasty.

    For more info on The Vue Orlando, visit our Vue condo page.

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