• One of the advantages to using a specialist Realtor is that they will help you to make the right decisions and help keep you out of trouble. Like making sure you order a home inspection. For reasons I don’t understand, buyers often forget to, or don’t want to, order one. Sometimes, the $200-500 that it costs seems like just one more unnecessary expense. But is it really when you’re about to invest $200k in a home?

    Here’s the thing. Home inspectors are paid to find problems. And they do! That’s not a bad thing because it means you can get them fixed (usually for free) before you close. And I’ve yet to see a case where the buyer hasn’t got more back in free repairs than the amount they spent on the inspection. So don’t get your knickers in a knot when you see the report.

    magnifying glassIn my last two sales, as a direct result of the home inspection, the following were fixed at no charge to the buyers:

    • AC ducts swept and adjusted, insulation added
    • Leaking sink faucet replaced
    • Tile regrouted in the bathroom
    • Wall made “true” in kitchen
    • Sticky door replaned and re-hung in living room
    • Window locks replaced in bedroom
    • Dishwasher fixed
    • Electrical outlets changed
    • Pipes under sink replaced
    • Fan in bedroom replaced
    • Cracked window replaced
    • Carpet cleaned.

    But rather than argue about it, we’ve decided to make our clients an offer. We’ll order a home inspection for you – and pay for it! Easy. End of discussion.

    For details on how to take advantage of this offer, just refer to our new page on Home Inspections.