• Trevi Seminars

    The Trevi, a luxury condominium development just north of downtown Orlando, is putting together a novel series of seminars this summer, designed to help home owners and investors understand the local real estate market. The series begins April 19th (that’s this Thursday) and will cover a host of useful topics designed to get your investment juices flowing:

    April 19 – Maitland: A new beginning. Past, present and future of Maitland, with reps from the City of Maitland and Chamber of Commerce. Hosted by Andrea Coudriet.

    May 17 – Growing Bolder not Older: The Upside of Downsizing.

    June 21 – Investing in Orlando Real Estate.

    Sept 20 – Condominiums Considered: What to look for when buying a condo.

    Oct 18 – The Pros and Cons of Condo Living. Where Does Your Money go?!

    Seminars will take place at 6.00 pm at the Trevi sales center (711 N. Orlando Ave.) opposite the Mercedes Benz dealership on 17-92. There will be keynote speakers including former TV anchor Andrea Coudriet, and much more importantly, free alcohol. Seating is limited so RSVP to: rsvp@trevirealty.com

    Of course Condo Metropolis will be there… See you at the bar!